Frequently Asked Questions

The Upside Down

The Upside Down is an alternate dimension existing in parallel to the human world. The history of the Upside Down remains a mystery. Exactly how and why it came into existence, is unclear.

It contains the same locations and infrastructure as the human world. There is little proven knowledge concerning the Upside Down, as it remains shrouded in mystery. In spite of this, the dimension possesses a few observable properties and characteristics. Such as, light, gravity, and sound appear to function the same way as in the regular world (?).

The Upside Down affects the electromagnetic field of the human world, often causing electricity and electronics to malfunction.

What is Upside Down Loot?

Upside Down Loot is a collection of 8,000 unique bags of adventurer gear.

Each loot bag contains 8 items:

a piece for an adventurer's chest, foot, hand, head, neck, ring, waist, and weapon.

Upside Down Loot is identical to Loot except the fact that it's the opposite. The laws that rule the elements are symmetrical to the ones that rule in Loot.

What is Loot?

Loot is a collection of 8,000 unique bags of adventurer gear, originally released by Dom Hofmann. At release, anyone could claim loot bags for just gas, and all bags were claimed in under 4 hours. Each loot bag contains 8 items: a piece for an adventurer's chest, foot, hand, head, neck, ring, waist, and weapon.

Loot is an unaudited project. Bags #1 to #7777 were claimable by anyone and #7778 to #8000 are currently reserved for the contract deployer.

Why is loot special?

Loot is unique—the first project of its kind. With no company, art, team, or attributes, Loot makes it impossible to gate-keep any creative decisions (h/t @john_c_palmer).

Loot is the unfiltered, uncensorable building block for stories, experiences, games, and more, in the hands of the community, at no cost. Loot pursues complete decentralization from day one.

Can I build with Upside Down Loot?

Yes, you are free to use Loot in any way you want. For inspiration, see existing resources put together by the community.